Write for Us

Write for Us – Beauty, Health, Makeup, & Fashion

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Beautyfashionclub.

Beautyfashionclub is concentrated on makeup and the world of beauty. We are looking for guest post articles that relate to these different areas, but also what encircles these areas such as self-confidence, well-being, etc …

Contributing Articles can increase your online Reputation as a thought Leader and increases Global Reach. So, start writing for us to add your article on our Beauty blog.

Few categories that we accept articles from:

  • Beauty Tips & tricks
  • Health tips & tricks
  • Fashion trends
  • Makeup tips & tricks
  • Latest Makeup products updates.
  • Top 10’s and Top 20’s
  • How To Articles
  • Tips & Tricks.
  • Product Reviews

Requirement for Guest Posts:

Content must be at least 700 words and make sure the content is free from copyright infringement. Articles must be original to the author and should not be published anywhere. (Infographics and Press Releases can be appeared elsewhere.)

  • Make Sure Title should be 70 characters and Attractive.
  • Try to Provide 2 or 3 reference links to other blog pages for more information.
  • Provide an unique featured image with HD quality. Can also Include other images if necessary for the content body.
  • 2 links of your Website or Blog are accepted in the Content.

Submit articles in Microsoft Word format as email attachments.

Include author Bio. Give social links, especially Linkedin or Twitter.

Mention ‘Guest Content‘ in the subject line.

What we don’t accept:

Topics that are previously published on our blog. Please search our site before submitting your articles.

Topics that are irrelevant or Non informative.

How Many articles we Accept?

You can write us as many as you want or as little as you can; it could be once a month, three times a month or just once a year. It’s completely up to you.

How to submit your article:

We will be very happy if you contribute content to Beauty fashion club. Please feel free to email us beautyguestposts@gmail.com.

We will be reviewing your article within 2-3 days and publish it on our blog.

Sponsored Posts and Product Reviews:

If you have any request regarding sponsored posts or product reviews, don’t hesitate to contact us at  beautyguestposts@gmail.com.

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