Keep Your Skin Happy With These Travel Skincare Tips

Planning for a vacation? Or did you just decide to take a tour of the hills tomorrow?

Of course, with a halt to coronavirus and more than a year of lockdown, we all are excited to step outside our house. But, is our skin as well prepared as us? 

Traveling is a healthy addiction. From packing your favorite clothes to getting your passport and catching the bus or flight on time, perhaps skincare is the last thing on your mind. And, this is unfortunate considering the changing weather, your daily routine, and all the exposure your skin will experience. 

Travel Stress affects the skin a lot and it gets all mapped up on the skin! Of course, your skin routine does not have to be too intricate, elaborated, and hefty but it should be enough to satisfy the needs of the skin.

What do you need for healthy skin while you travel? Just a little prep and you will be good!

How Travelling Affects Your Skin

When you are traveling, your skincare routine ought to take the back seat. As you are exposed to frequently changing environments and weather conditions (don’t forget the pollution levels), you will be highly engaged in junk foods. All these affect the skin bringing drastic effects of the environmental aggressors on the skin.

The Changing Air

Your skin breaks out if it lacks moisture. When you are traveling to a drier place or in a plane, it affects the skin. Or, if you forget to drink enough water, your skin will be even more dehydrated. 

So, before traveling be aware of the weather of the place. If it’s too cold, your skin might not have enough moisture. And, if it is too hot, your skin is prone to more sebum production and hence comedones. 

A Change In Your Daily Skin Care Routine

When you travel via trains, flights, bus, personal car, or any other way, your skin experiences a change in the daily skincare routine. You won’t be able to wash your face often, thus leading to a dirt accumulation on the skin. This further gives rise to breakouts, acne, and an uneven skin tone. Or, maybe you used the best body scrub for glowing skin but experienced a little change in your skin texture.

Daily Skin Care Routine
Daily Skin Care Routine

Changes In Your Skin Care Products

You check into the hotel, and want to freshen up. And, you see small packages of skincare products- lotions, shampoos, body wash, cleanser, etc. No matter how much you resist yourself, you end up using them! You forget that these skincare products are highly generalized and do not serve as a solution to a particular skincare issue. Thus, it might lead to breakout, inflammation or any other skin allergy. Are you using the right Coffee Body Scrub and Polisher? If not, then go for Uniqaya Coffee Body Scrub– it is the best body scrub for glowing skin.

A Change In Your Schedule

Traveling has the downside of bringing a change in the sleep cycle. The trip demands for you to stay awake during the night and have a sleepy morning or at times be sleep deprived. These changes make the sleep cycle erratic. And it needs a good night time sleep to revive itself and maintain the radiance.  

You can get rid of all these skincare woes if you have some tips handy and swear by them every time you are planning a trip. Let’s see what they are.

Travel Skincare Tips

To avoid any long-term consequences on your skin, and keep it looking healthy and radiant throughout your trip, here are some simple steps for you to adopt.

Drink a lot of water!

Water is an elixir for humans- no matter where you are! Yes, you probably hear this from everyone, every day, in every way. But, it is often neglected during travels. Water is an antidote to so many skin and health issues that might arise on the trip. Prefer to carry your own bottle and refill it as and when needed. Do not indulge in caffeine or alcohol as they make dehydration even worse.

Keep your skin clean and exfoliated!

When you travel, all the dirt and impurities cling to the skin. Make sure that you get rid of this icky stuff whenever possible. You can carry a facial wipe with you and use it often during your journey. If you can, then you may carry a good vitamin C serum or toner that can help you keep the skin clean as well as simultaneously exfoliate it. Use Uniqaya Coffee Body Scrub and Polisher- The best body scrub for glowing skin!

Wear sunscreen religiously!

Sunscreen is and will always be your skin’s best friend (antioxidants, too). It is a must if you are going to an area which is too sunny. But, it is also important if you are visiting a place that is cloudy, sunscreen will help them too. Even when the UV rays are invisible to the naked eyes, they are there in the environment affecting your skin in every way possible.

Avoid touching your face!

Coronavirus pandemic has taught us to not touch our face until sanitized and really needed. So, follow this religiously! Your hands tend to be the first place that comes in contact with all the germs. Don’t forget to carry a sanitizer with you too!

Eat healthy foods!


Traveling calls for a lot of temptations to have junk or fast foods, and drinks too. But, you need to try to have a healthy routine. It’s astounding how crappy foods and drinks can show up on your face. Too much alcohol or greasy foods, or too much sodium? Be ready for acne, breakout, blemishes, puffiness, and less radiant skin. It is absolutely fine to submit to that occasional splurge of fast food, but plan ahead to take up enough veggies, nuts, fruits, seeds, and farm-to-table foods. 

Hope you’ve gotten the useful tips about making your travel easier and healthier for your skin- and your wallet! Just plan ahead, take up your H2O and you will be all radiantly golden (Thanks to some of the outdoor adventures you participate in).



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