Seven Steps to the Perfect French Manicure

The dainty French manicure is back! Like the catwalk and celeb obsession with “no makeup makeup”, the trend for barely-there beauty extends to fingertips this season. Proving once again that less can be way more! Remember the first time you had one? Those pinkies made you feel so elegant and chic!” But who has the time to hang around a salon getting a French manicure? So just for you, we’ve got a super simple DIY in seven easy steps. With a little practice and patience, you can get the perfect French manicure any time you want for just a fraction of the cost.

Read on to know how to get the perfect French manicure at home with these easy steps:

Let’s get started!
For starters, either buy a French Manicure Kit or make one. And if you want to make one on your own, here are some options.
For the Base, choose either beige or pink nail polish.

French manicure guide or nail striping tape

  • Step 1: PREP

Make sure your nails are clean and have no nail polish residue. Just to be sure, clean the surface with nail polish remover.  Buff and shape your nails if required.

For a truly salon finish, prep your pinkies properly by dipping them in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes. Use a cuticle remover which comes with a cuticle pusher like GUBB USA Nail Pusher Cuticle Remover and gently push cuticles back. Use the opposite end to remove dirt from underneath nails.
  • Step 3: BUFF AND PREP

Before applying your first coat of polish, buff the top of your nails to smoothen and prep them for the nail polish. Use Vega Nail Buffer a four way buffer that shapes, buffs and shines nails..
  • Step 4: APPLY THE BASE

First apply the base coat and let it dry for few minutes. Once dry apply the base color nail polish choosing the shade you prefer. I personally like the pink base. You may also want to consider your skin tone before choosing the base color. Once you’ve applied the base color let it dry completely.
Expert Tip: If you want a prominent base color apply a second coat

Before you move to this step make sure your base color is completely dry. Place the nail guides on your nails. If you don’t have the guides just use small pieces of tape. Make sure to de-glue the tape by placing it on the back of your hand and peeling it off. Repeat till most of the glue comes off. Using a sticky tape on just painted mails may ruin the base color.

Use the white polish to paint the tips of your nails. Do a second coat if required. Let it dry between coats.

Now remove the nail guides and apply a top coat of polish. Allow this coat to dry for a few minutes. Voila!  You have the perfect French Manicure!
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Thu Jul 7 , 2022
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