Great Makeup Ideas for the Gypsy Look Who can forget that gypsy woman at the carnival who swore that she could tell you your future by looking at that glass ball or a bowl of water? The mystique that hung over and around these gypsies can be mesmerizing. Equally attractive […]
Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing Cleansing colon is not very difficult and is rather very essential. If colon is not cleansed properly, this might lead to certain unexplained symptoms such as vomiting, headache, stomach-ache etc. You need to clean your colon by removing the trapped wastes and toxins. There are […]
Effects of Heavy Chemical Cosmetics – Cosmetics claim to enhance feminine beauty at its best. Every last woman in the world secretly covets to have an appealing face. But there exists a dark side that speaks of the horrors that accidently emerge out due to the maladies of harmful chemical […]
Working Women A few years ago women were expected to be stay-at-home wives, subservient to their male counterparts and it wasn’t considered ‘lady-like’ for a woman to want anything more than just that! Thankfully the economy is developing not just technologically but, with the mindset of the people. Sadly, one thing […]
Kidney stones can be quite painful and can cause extreme downfall to your health. Studies have proved out of ten people at least one person has experienced this problem at least once in life. This problem occurs when the minerals present in the urine crystallize. Though this is a painful […]
Weight loss and detox are the new Mantra of the era. Changing lifestyles, increasing work pressures and unhealthy food habits are paving way to ever rising weight issues among men and women alike. While it is quite a challenge to work your way combating obesity, detoxing with healthy juices comes […]
Dusky skin looks extremely sexy and glamorous. If you are endowed with such a complexion, you don’t have to worry about lying down in the sun to tan yourself. But, there is no denying the fact that a right touch of makeup can make you look even more beautiful. With […]
Beware, cell phones can lead to acne and other health disorders Smartphones have turned to be the most-sought-after gadgetsby people so much so that it would be first thing to lay one ‘s hands on even without stepping out of the bed and peeping into it frequently continues for the […]
Eye Make Up: Trends for 2015-16 Your eyes speak volumes about you, literally. This is one of the main reasons why fashion gurus and makeup experts give so much importance to the way eyes are showcased to the world. Just like the fashion changes with every changing season, so do […]
We often come across women who had to give up wearing those sleek looking sleeveless attire in their wardrobe just because fat decided to dwell in those arms for worse. Yes, arm fat can be a huge issue, proving to be a major embarrassment along with a number of other […]