Learning Some Basics of Makeup for That Made up Look

Learning Some Basics of Makeup

In case you are new to applying makeup, one thing that you need to know is that wrongly applied makeup can make you look older. So, it is crucial that you learn the basics of makeup. This is not at all tough. With a little care and practice, you will become a pro in applying makeup within no time.

No matter how much effort you put into picking your clothes and doing your hair, it is important to add some colour to your face. This will not only help to make you look more radiant but would also allow you to accentuate the most impressive features of your face.

Here are some tips that would come in handy, if you are starting out to use makeup for your face:

Makeup for Starters

Complexion Matters

The first thing that you need to know about makeup is that you should choose the products based on your skin tone and complexion. Makeup that is too light appears flaky and artificial. On the other hand, makeup that is darker than your skin will make you look old. So, make sure you spend considerable time to choose the perfect products that suit your skin tone and blend well into your skin.

Starting with a Clean Slate

Before applying makeup, clean your face to free it off any dirt, oil or grime. Use a gentle cleanser and water to do this.


Makeup tends to dry your skin. So, make sure you dab on some moisturiser before starting with your makeup. Choose a moisturiser depending on your skin type.

Getting a Base

You need to create a base for your skin. You can do this by using a foundation. However, make sure that you don’t use a foundation that is a tone darker or lighter than your skin tone. This would ruin all your effort. Dot your skin with foundation. Using your fingertips, blend it in. Pay special attention to the area under your eyes and around your nose and mouth. You can also use a sponge to blend in the foundation.

Concealer to Conceal

In case you have blemishes on your skin like dark circles, age spots, pigmentation, pimple marks etc., use a concealer will help camouflage. Dab these blemishes with some concealer and then blend it into the skin using the concealer brush.

Setting in the Base

Once you are happy with the base, it is time to cover it with some translucent powder. This would keep your makeup fresh throughout the day. All you would need to would be to touch in some colour, here and there.

Accentuating the Eyes with Eye Shadow

When you apply makeup, paying special attention to your eyes would definitely work wonders. Use an eye shadow over your eyelids. It would be a good idea to start off with some muted colours. You can use your fingertips or a rounded brush to blend in the eye shadow. After applying the eye shadow, coat it with a film of translucent powder to set it.

Lining your Eyes

Use a black or brown coloured eye shadow to line your eyes. In case, you have big eyes, you can apply a thick line. On the other hand, a thin line of eyeliner is perfect for small eyes. Use a kohl pencil to line your lower lids.

Mascara to Light up your Eyes

What mascara can do to your eyes is something which cannot be put into words. However, before putting it on, it would be a good idea to curl your eyelashes using a lash curler. Then apply a coat of mascara to the upper and lower lashes. Let it dry.

Add on Some Blush

When you smile, the area of your cheek that rises up is called the apple of your cheek. Using a brush, dab on some blusher on to this area and blend it in. You can choose from either cream or powder blush. If you are happy with the result, apply some powder to set it.

Makeup for Luscious Lips

Before applying the lipstick, use a lip liner a shade darker than the lipstick and draw an outline. This prevents the lipstick from flowing. Then pout and apply the lip colour to the centre of your lips. Blend it into your lips using your fingertips. In case you want to darken it, use your fingers to add in colour.

Applying makeup is definitely not as difficult as it seems to be. With time, you will learn the little nuances that go into it. Soon, you will also become a pro with the shades that suit you best. So, go ahead and start out on your makeup!

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