Is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Worth it?

If you are contemplating whether liquid rhinoplasty is worth a try, then you have to weigh its pros and cons against the surgical procedure. Your decision depends on a lot of factors that include your lifestyle and schedule. If the advantages outweigh the drawbacks and you are qualified, getting it is on your hands.

Why non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Not everyone is brave enough to undergo a knife procedure and brace a long recovery period. While rhinoplasty remains the only way to permanently enhance the nose structure or alter its appearance for better facial harmony, the no-knife rhinoplasty is a great option for many people.

  •     It provides nasal tip support. If your nose has a misshapen tip, this cosmetic treatment is a good alternative. A filler of your choice will be injected in the problematic area to provide volume to the nose. You can ask the cosmetic professional or doctor about the advantages and disadvantages of the recommended fillers.
  •     It refines the nose bridge. If your concern is asymmetrical bridge or your nose piercing bump won’t go away, non-surgical rhinoplasty is the answer.  It works to straighten the nose by adding fillers in the radix, bony vault, and dorsum. You can instantly see the initial result after the procedure and enjoy your new look within two weeks.
  •     It treats the jawline or chin. If the problem lies not on the nose itself, the doctor may recommend injecting fillers on the chin or jawline area. It will balance the size of your nose to the rest of the facial features.

How long does the non-surgical nose job last?

The outcome depends largely on the filler used for the procedure. The popular hyaluronic acid fillers can give you around 8-12 months or more. Dermal fillers that are made from heavier substances give 1 and ½ years of post-treatment effects.

Other factors that influence the longevity of outcomes are the anatomy of your nose and the nasal issue that is being addressed. The dissolution of the filler is gradual, letting you decide whether to have another treatment or go for the traditional rhinoplasty.

What are the risks of liquid rhinoplasty?

Just because there are no cuts, incisions, and stitches involved does not mean that this procedure is 100% safe. The nose features a high concentration of tiny blood vessels. Any error during the administration of fillers in any area may cause damage to the nearby or connected part.

If the blood vessel that leads to the eyes is mistakenly pricked, irreversible blindness may occur without warning. Another potential risk is necrosis or skin death. It usually happens when the tiny vessels along the tip or sides of the nose are blocked with gel. In this case, the visible signs are blotchy, mottled appearance, and skin discolouration.

What to look for in a non-surgical rhinoplasty provider?

To mitigate potential risks and side effects, you need an expert to administer this cosmetic procedure. It is crucial that the person is a highly-trained injector with long experience of successful cases. Ideally, it is best to find a reputable surgeon who knows the nose anatomy and everything related to it.

It is also crucial that you feel comfortable with your chosen specialist. It helps you relax and be positive about the procedure. Seeing that their ‘professional and aesthetic eyes’ match your expectations is a big factor in managing the side effects.

Be diligent in evaluating the before-and-after photos that cosmetic clinics show on their websites. It is important to look at different angles as much as possible to see how the procedure addresses the problem.

Are there side effects?

After the quick procedure, you may experience slight swelling, minor bruising, and redness of the treated areas for a couple of days. To ease pain after a non-surgical nose job, and minimize a bruised appearance, apply a cold compress.

It is also necessary to avoid strenuous physical workout for 24-48 hours after the treatment. This prevents a blood pressure elevation that may aggravate the common symptoms. Your doctor will also recommend not taking blood thinners like aspirin, ibuprofen, or alcohol during the same period.

Is it reversible?

The good news is, if you are unhappy with the results of non-surgical rhinoplasty, you can ask your doctor to inject hyaluronidase to dissolve the filler. In no time at all, your nose returns to its pre-injected state.

Other things you need to know

It is important to be realistic about this procedure and accept that the results are just temporary. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a short-term solution to your nasal issues. It works by adding fillers to tweak or make minor adjustments. This creates an illusion that your nose is straighter and more symmetrical.

Also, it does not make your nose smaller because the filler adds volume. Your nose might appear a little wider and thicker after the treatment.

Indeed, it’s imperative to weigh all the pros and cons of liquid rhinoplasty. If you believe that the procedure is the right option for you, book an appointment with your trusted surgeon now.



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