How to obtain vitamin D through diet?

Vitamin D deficiencies can condition the development of structural problems in the medium term related to loss of muscle strength or bone mineralization. What foods give us this micronutrient?

Vitamin D is one of the deficient nutrients in the population of many countries. It can be synthesized endogenously from exposure to sunlight. However, not in all parts of the world this option exists all year round. Therefore, we are going to teach you how to obtain vitamin D through diet.

The first thing to be clear about is that nutrient levels can be determined through a blood test . If they are low, it will be necessary to emphasize the consumption of certain foods, since such a situation generates health risks. Likewise, the inclusion of a supplement can be considered.

What is vitamin D for?

It is important to be clear about the functions of vitamin D in the body. First of all, this element stands out for being able to enhance the absorption of calcium at the intestinal level. It is also closely related to the development of muscle strength, according to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research .

Likewise, it should be noted that a deficiency of the nutrient can increase the risk of developing many chronic and complex pathologies . According to research published in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, maintaining low levels of vitamin D in the body could be related to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

How to get vitamin D through diet

When the goal is to increase the dietary intake of vitamin D, it is important to emphasize the intake of certain foods. Among them, blue fish, such as salmon, stand out . These store a good amount of nutrient in fat, given its fat-soluble nature. It is important to keep in mind that choosing the leanest cuts decreases the contribution of the vitamin.

Additionally, significant amounts of vitamin D can be obtained from eating eggs . This element is characteristic of the yolk, where the highest amount of phospholipids in the food are found. For this reason, discarding egg yolks, as has been done for years, is a huge mistake.

Finally, it should be noted that dairy products can be enriched with the nutrient , especially those that have fat . It must be taken into account that, if the lipids are removed from the product, the vitamins that dissolve in them will be eliminated. Vitamin D is in the latter group.

Optimize sun exposure to generate vitamin D

Although it is possible to obtain vitamin D through the diet, it should be noted that it is difficult to achieve optimal amounts in this way. For this reason, the mechanisms that ensure its production in a natural way, such as exposure to sunlight , should not be neglected .

It should be noted that sun creams block the sun’s rays that allow the synthesis of the nutrient. For this reason, it may be necessary to avoid the use of these products during the first minutes of exposure . Simply receiving radiation throughout the body for about 15 minutes will synthesize enough vitamin for a couple of days.

Now, it is important to keep in mind that you should sunbathe following a series of precautionary measures. The first one is regularity . It is important to expose yourself, as much as possible, all year round, not just in summer.

On the other hand, it is also essential to ensure progression . On the first day of good weather, it is not advisable to spend 8 hours on the beach; you have to go from less to more.

Increasing the supply of vitamin D is key to health

As you have seen, increasing vitamin D levels can help prevent the development of various chronic and complex pathologies. However, it is difficult to obtain the necessary amount of the nutrient through diet alone. Even so, it is highly advisable to consume oily fish, eggs and enriched dairy products frequently .

There is also a last option to avoid deficits, which is supplementation . However, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist before starting to ingest products with the nutrient.

In case of resorting to this mechanism, it is essential to control the doses and evaluate the need to introduce these products into the dietary regimen. An overdose of the vitamin could also be counterproductive in the medium or long term.



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