How to create flyers for your small business?

Business flyers are probably one of the easiest ways for small businesses to advertise themselves. It’s one of the simplest and quickest ways to attract a large audience. Not only can you add lots of relevant information to the flyers, and distribute these easily, this way of marketing your small business is also relatively affordable.

In this article, we’ll be exploring how you can create flyers for your small business, and things you need to keep in mind when it comes to designing your flyers.

Think about your audience

The first thing, and probably the most important thing to keep in mind is your audience. Understanding your target audience is essential in helping with every aspect of your flyer, the design, creatives, message, details to be added, and where you’ll be distributing these.

Knowing your audience better will make it easier for you to create a flyer that attracts your audience. 

Choosing a good design

Flyers can be created in different sizes according to your business’s needs and requirements. Different sizes have different purposes. Larger full-page flyers are used to showcase product information, others smaller, or square format flyers can be used when not much detail needs to be mentioned.

After you know the size you’re going ahead with, the next thing to consider is the design. With online platforms like PosterMyWall this becomes quick and easy, all you need to do is select a small business flyer template that you can customize in a matter of minutes. There are various kinds of templates for various purposes and various kinds of flyers, with the designs and styles being different for different products, companies, brands, and target audiences. Select a design that stands out and edit it with your required information.

Get the messaging right

Content is key. The same applies to your flyer. The message on your flyer design needs to be clear and simple enough, to get your key points across to the audience, without them losing interest or being overburdened with too much information. 

The type of message you choose can vary, and connect back to our earlier point about knowing your audience. You can go for a catchy heading, something funny or witty that will get a chuckle out of people. Something out of the ordinary that will be remembered better by people. Or you can use an inquisitive tone to peak the interest of the audience. Spend some time finalizing your key messages as that’s what will help you connect with your audience ultimately. Your main priority should always be to let the audience know about your business.

Keep your flyer on brand

When marketing your small business, whether it’s by using flyers, or other forms of marketing, you must always remember to stay on brand. The following simple steps help you stay on top of your branding game:

  • Adding your business logo to your designs
  • Sticking to a specific color palette 
  • Use a consistent tone of voice
  • Have a set number of fonts you use

Apart from following the tips mentioned above you must remember not to overwrite or add extra things and information that may overwhelm the audience, because it can be distracting and off-putting to see tons of text and having to go through a lot of information. You try to make it easy in every possible way for the audience so that they positively respond to your business early. Avoid overcrowding of words in your flyer.

Don’t forget the contact details

This may seem obvious but you’d be shocked at how many people actually make this mistake and leave out essential contact or location details. You may have a professional looking flyer, offer the right message, pick amazing attention-grabbing colors, but it’s of no use if you’ve left the essentials out.

If your small business has a physical location, remember to add teh address. If you operate online, don’t forget to include details about your website and social media platforms. In all cases you’ll generally want to mention other ways prospective customers can contact you, such as through email, or over the phone, so be sure to include those. 

A good idea may be to add a QR code, so anyone who has a copy of your flyer or comes across it, can quickly scan the QR code which will lead them to whatever action it is you want them to take – visit your website, or a social profile, or location pin.

Distribute your flyers at the right places

This is the last step you need to take into consideration once your flyer is ready and printed, is where and how you’ll distribute them. If your target audience is primarily available online, you’ll want to share these through email, text, on your website, WhatsApp, or other social platforms.

If you choose to print and distribute your flyer, plan out where to distribute your flyers to gain maximum exposure. Some ways you can distribute your flyers include:

  • Popular supermarkets, shops, and malls
  • Add them as an insert in the local newspaper or magazines
  • At the doctors or veterinary clinics in your locality
  • Drop them off in the mailbox
  • Place them at schools, collages, universities

Please remember, spending on which country or city your business operates, your local laws may not allow certain ways of flyer distribution, so always remember to check with your council.


By following these simple steps listed above, you too can create stunning flyers to promote your small business effortlessly. By dedicating some time and effort to the process, you’re sure to market your products or services and attract a large audience.



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