Fashion Write for Us

Fashion, Beauty, Clothing, Health, Skincare, Cosmetics and Makeup Write for Us

Beauty Fashion Club is looking to feature articles on various topics. So, we are providing a chance to write for us on fashion, clothing, beauty, health, skincare, makeup and cosmetics among other topics. And, if you are looking for an opportunity to submit guest posts on the above-mentioned topics, you are welcome to get in touch with our team at

We are searching for talented and passionate writers, freelancers, bloggers and professionals to create high-quality and original content for our website. And, as a contributor, you will inspire our readers across the world to lead their happiest and healthiest life while promoting and discussing personal experiences. And, the best part is that there are no boundaries and you can choose any topic to write for us on fashion, health, skincare, beauty, cosmetics and makeup among various other topics.

Fashion Write For Us
Fashion Write For Us

However, before getting started, make sure you choose your topic carefully. We appreciate articles that are well-written and related to our website’s theme. Also, your article should be fresh and written following the guidelines provided below. Keep reading to find out more!

Fashion, Beauty, Health, Makeup, Cosmetics, Beauty Tips, Fashion Clothing, Women’s Fashion, Skincare and Style Write for Us Opportunity

Before emailing us your pitch or writing for us on beauty, fashion, makeup, cosmetics, health, skincare, beauty tips, style and women’s fashion, make sure you follow the rules provided below. All contributors must meet specific standards to ensure your guest post is approved by our editorial team and published on our website. And, these guidelines have been put in place to make sure that every content is exceptional, immaculate, free from violations and engaging.

  • Article Length

Any well-researched and properly written article we publish on our website is 1000+ words. We aim to provide engaging posts that discuss subject matters in detail. So, please refrain from submitting articles that simply scratch the surface of the chosen topic. Also, when writing for us on beauty, fashion, skincare, health, makeup, women’s fashion, cosmetics, beauty tips and style, please do not repeat information, words or phrases. And, make sure you choose a suitable topic that is relevant to our platform to keep our readers entertained and informed.

  • Content Quality

We are looking to provide informative and top-notch content that our readers will find useful. This is why we only publish guest posts that are accurate and match the blog categories on our website. So, we request our guest contributors to make sure that their pitch matches our criteria.

Also, make sure that the content you write for us on fashion, health, skincare, beauty, cosmetics, makeup, women’s fashion, style and beauty tips is plagiarism free and 100% unique. And, it should also not contain any spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. For this, you can check the content on Grammarly and edit the document as you see fit.

  • Reader-Friendly

Our readers belong to different countries across the world and varying age groups and we cater to one and all. This is why we emphasize how reader-friendly the guest post should be. We don’t publish articles written by authors that stray far from the approach we accept. Hence, while creating the actual post or draft, avoid using difficult words that readers might not be able to understand. Furthermore, refrain from using unacceptable slang or jargon and unnecessarily complicated or confusing words that have the possibility of overwhelming the readers. Keep in mind that you will be catering to all of our readers and not just a specific set of individuals.

  • External Links

For authors that are looking to receive a backlink to their website or blog in the same domain, you can add one external link within the article. Also, we request that you refrain from linking back to any blogs or websites that you do not own and ones that are owned by a third party. And, it’s against our policy to include more than one backlink to their website or blog. So, any submissions that contain multiple outbound links will be rejected and writers will be requested to re-write their article and submit it again for our editorial team to review.

  • Copyright

Kindly refrain from submitting any content that has been copied from another website. We won’t encourage submitting posts that are already available elsewhere. And, if our editorial team finds that your content is plagiarised, we will reject the article and it will not be published on our website. We appreciate the time and effort that writers, freelancers and bloggers put in to create any piece of content and we request you to do the same.

  • Media

Visuals can catch the reader’s attention. So, we ask writers to include images and/or videos within their articles. However, make sure they are relevant to your article and our website’s theme as well. And, wherever required, make sure to give the proper attribution to the owner of the content, if it isn’t by you that is. Failing to do so will negatively impact our image and this is completely unacceptable.

  • Content Aspect

When writing for us on health, skincare, beauty, makeup, cosmetics, fashion and beauty tips, make sure the content is drafted in a way that conveys your own personality, ideas and knowledge. Remember, our target audience is looking for information that adds value to their life so keep the articles interactive and informational.

  • Source

If you are including any images, quotes or statistics within your content, please be sure to provide the source for the website where the information is taken from. However, do not include any competitor links.


In our blog, we have several sections where you can write for us, among which are:

  • Fashion Trends.
  • Fashion Events.
  • Beauty.
  • Skin Care.
  • Fashion Design.
  • Apparel.
  • Fashion Production.
  • Fashion Marketing.
  • Commerce.
  • Distribution.
  • Fashion-Tech.
  • Footwear.
  • Influencers.
  • Lifestyle.
  • Luxury/High fashion.
  • Haute Couture.
  • Manufacturing.
  • Mass/ High-street fashion.
  • Textiles.
  • Makeup
  • Cosmetics
  • Health

Fashion Guest Post

  • Publishing Time

Being a leader in the industry we frequently receive numerous pitches from contributors looking to write for us on fashion, makeup, health, beauty, skincare, cosmetics, women’s fashion, style and beauty tips daily. And, to ensure quality content, our editorial team puts in considerable time and effort to review each article. So, it might take them a few weeks to get back to individual writers after reviewing their content. We also understand that writers, bloggers and freelancers are eager to collaborate with us.

However, we would like to request you not to send us follow-up emails asking us to provide updates regarding your content. As and when our editors are done reviewing your article, we will get in touch with you with feedback regarding the article. And, when you receive an email from us, make sure to follow our editor’s suggestions to make the necessary changes to your article to make it reader-friendly.

How to Submit a Guest Post?

It’s very easy for contributors to submit a guest post and write for us on health, skincare, beauty, cosmetics, makeup, fashion, style and women’s fashion among other topics. You can either submit a Microsoft Word document or Google doc to make it easy for our editorial team to collaborate with you.

Once our team receives the article, they will add comments regarding changes they think are appropriate to make the article suitable for our website. After you receive the edited file, be sure to follow the comments and make the necessary changes to the articles. Once you are done, send the document back to us for the second stage of the review process. If we think the changes look appropriate, we will publish the article on the website. You will receive a mail regarding the article approval and the live link to the published blog.

As mentioned, our editorial team reserves the right to make edits to articles as they see fit. This is to make sure that the published article matches our platform’s standard and approach.

However, if our editorial team is not satisfied with the article, or the edited version, they will reject it and inform you of the same. In such instances, they may either recommend a topic or approach for you to follow and/or take inspiration from. Also, please make sure that you don’t submit articles that are unrelated to the topics we have mentioned as they will most likely not be posted.

So, what are you waiting for? Send your pitch or article to Beauty Fashion Club at
and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

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