Easy & Effective DIY Facial Masks

Facial masks play an important role to enhance the beauty of your skin.

With over heaps of skincare products to select from, you are assured to be tangled. Beauty Products specifically for mixture skin, sensitive skin, and acne-prone skin are all simply available and appear like they’re custom-made for your skin, but they still encompass chemicals that might or might not work for you that is why most of the times natural and organic products are the best way to go.

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There are heaps of natural and organic products in the marketplace but if you are keen to test on your own, there are lots of concoctions that you could make. This is also particularly supportive if the purse cords are a bit tight at the instant and you possibly have the needed products in your kitchen anyway! Here are some facial masks to get you started; they‘re not just pleasing for the skin but they smell grotesque too.

Honey + Coconut Oil + Lemon Mask

Honey is a great antiseptic product as it contains antibacterial properties that also help to fight acne. Coconut oil gets penetrated well into skin pores and helps to moisturize and softens skin. Lemon is a natural astringent that stiffens and shrinks pores, and it also acts as a whitening agent, allowing dark spots and scars to disappear.

  • Mix all the three ingredients into a bowl.
  • Ensure the mixture isn’t too watery or thick in consistency (play around with elements till you get a consistency you like) as you wish to be able to apply it equally to cover the complete surface of your face. Avoid the eye area as well as your eyebrows and hair.
  • Leave it on for just 10-15 minutes (or till it has dried) and wash it off with warm water. You will feel the difference after wash.

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Turmeric + Rice Flour + Yoghurt Mask

For eras, turmeric has been used as a beauty product. It has antibacterial assets that help to fight for acne and inflammation. It also aids to reduce oil formation on your skin and also aids with eradicating signs of wrinkles and ageing. Rice flour is one more ingredient that has been used for periods, with stuffs very similar to turmeric but also typically recognized for its whitening agent that makes your skin fairer and smoother naturally. This wonder flour is also used to relax sunburnt skin. Yoghurt comprises zinc and lactic acid that are good for eliminating dead skin cells, hydrating your skin, shrinking pores and delivering your skin a healthy glow.

  • Mix all the constituents into a bowl. One spoon of rice flour and one spoon of turmeric is all you need.
  • Mix in yoghurt last so you will have better regulator of the consistency. Ensure it isn’t too runny; then it will drop off your face when you smear it.
  • Leave it on till it fully dries, and wash it off with warm water, rubbing your skin as you go along.
  • Delight in radiant, glowing skin.

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Oats + Honey Mask

Oats contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that aid with subtle, itchy body. It also works great to assist with acne-prone skin as it absorbs oil also. Honey combined with oatmeal is antibacterial and also helps to moisturize the skin.

  • You can either boil the oats in hot water or grind it till it becomes a powder.
  • Mix well with honey. Ensure the paste is not so watery, but thick enough to be put into your skin.
  • Once it gets dried, rinse with warm water by massaging in circular motions. It acts as a soft face scrub as well.
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