Are You Ready for a New Career? Cosmetology training is perfect for someone who has just graduated from high school, or who are looking to change their careers without spending a lot of time preparing for the transition. Becoming a cosmetologist can take as little as 10 months in some […]
Life Style
Planning for a vacation? Or did you just decide to take a tour of the hills tomorrow? Of course, with a halt to coronavirus and more than a year of lockdown, we all are excited to step outside our house. But, is our skin as well prepared as us? Traveling […]
Hairstyling is an essential part of one’s appearance, especially women. Suppose you have the right hair styling appliances and products; you could do that in no time every day. However, it is essential that you carefully choose the instruments and products as they may damage your hair. It is also […]
There are many aspects of why Indian weddings, especially Marathi wedding ceremonies, are unique in their traditions. They hold a great significance in the lives of the bride and the groom and for the families that come together with the union of the couple. The practices of Marathi weddings are […]
All the popular advice columns insist that size does not matter, and in some areas this can be true. It can even be true when it comes to choosing between diamond size and diamond quality, when a better-quality diamond trumps a large but poor-quality example. But if you can guarantee […]
Acne is undoubtedly the most common skin condition many of us face. Around 85% of teenagers experience breakouts along with 5 in 10 women and 4 in 10 men over the age of 25 are affected by this affliction. So, what causes acne? Many factors, one being stress. Stress can […]
We all know that women love to choose a color in everything they shop, whether it is shoes or clothes, to their makeup kits. Similarly, they love to choose different color raincoats or some cute and unique designs. Women are very choosy in these materialistic things as it gives them […]
Weather significantly affects the type of outfits you can wear. Most of the time, there are specific clothes worn in rainy seasons and particular ones worn on sunny days. However, some outfits can transition perfectly from sunny to rainy seasons. Below are some of these outfits. Colorful scarfs and boots […]
With dynamic fashion trends and evolving choices of the generations, sunglasses have come a long way. They are never not in style! You may ask why? Well, with numerous shapes, sizes and colours that are available for sunglasses, it’s safe to say that they get revamped along with the changing […]
Rosehip oil is made from pressing the rosehip seeds and fruit. It is an overall great oil for hair and body care, and has many benefits for the hair itself and the scalp. Rosehip oil is a very rich oil, containing: Anti-inflammatories, which can help deal with an itchy or […]