Botulinum Toxin Helps To Rejuvenate Your Facial Aesthetics – A Quick Overview Of Botox Treatment

Botox is a popular injection that is used in cosmetics and aesthetics procedures to relax the muscles of facial expressions. These muscles are responsible for causing dynamic wrinkles. This injection if composed of Botulinum toxin type A and completely safe for aesthetic uses.

Botox treatment is a bit expensive, and the cost entirely depends on the Botox units applied for your treatment. It can work effectively if used in appropriate doses according to your age. A professional dermatologist will suggest a specific dose for the treatment after considering some essential factors like your age, expectations, skin condition, treatment area, and affordability. If applied in right doses, it can relax your facial expression muscles and impart a stress-free aesthetic appearance, while maintaining the natural facial expressions.

Famous Dermatologist Dr.Navin Taneja Director of the TheNationalSkinCentre South Extension part I, New delhi suggest

How can Botox help you in maintaining facial aesthetics?

  • Removal of facial wrinkles
  • Face rejuvenation
  • Facelift
  • Brow shaping
  • Get rid of Hyperhidrosis
  • Treatment for Bunny lines, Crow’s Feet, Forehead shaping, and Forehead lines
  • Excessive sweating treatment

Is your age perfect for undergoing a Botox treatment?

After you complete 18 years, you can undergo this treatment anytime. FDA approved this as the minimum age bracket for this treatment. People suffering from nervous disorders and pregnant women should avoid it completely. Avoid taking Botox treatment appointments from any amateur professional as it can otherwise lead to complications.

What is the charge for Botox treatments?

The Botox treatment cost depends on the number of injections required, as well as the recommended doses. When an expert dermatologist performs this treatment, the results obtained will be perfect. 10-15 minutes are consumed for completing a single session. The area needs to be treated is also considered as an essential factor for price determination. The effect of a single Botox treatment can last for up to 6 months maximum. After that, it needs to be repeated. Youths and working individuals widely prefer Non-surgical methods.

Side-effects of non-surgical Botox treatments

You can expect minimal side-effects with non- surgical. Softening in the appearance of the frown line can be witnessed between eyebrows within just 3 days. It may take up to 7 days to witness the complete results.

Have you heard about the Lunchtime Botox treatment?

Even a few years back, Botox treatment was limited to celebrities and people belonging to affluent classes. But today, it has become common even among the upper-middle class and middle-class group. Maintaining a youthful and glamorous look is the dream of every woman. Botox is one such treatment that can help a woman to maintain her looks throughout life. But due to expenses and several myths, it has still not become a common choice among many. Non-surgical Botox treatment is simple and does not demand several sessions. A person can complete a Botox session within just half an hour and get back to his regular work. Hence, it is also termed as Lunchtime Botox Treatment.

Post-production precautions

  • Avoid heavy exercises
  • No sauna steam
  • Avoid facials and massage for 4 days minimum
  • Imitate the muscles of the facial expressions
  • Do not lie for at least 4 hours

If you want to know more about this treatment, follow us! You can even comment in the box below for queries. We would be glad to receive your comments.



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