“I am not short; I am just cuter than other girls”. We started with this quote just to make the person who opened this article feel positive about her height.  If you are short that doesn’t mean you cannot be stylish. Of course, you can! You can look better than […]

Holi is here! Are you ready for some Fun? Holi  the festival of colors is just round the corner. Celebrated with much joy and verve, the story behind this festival heads back to the days when Gods are believed to have treaded on Earth. No matter, what the folklore says, […]

Teeth Sensitivity Having sensitive teeth can make it a struggle of sorts while eating or drinking. Now, isn’t that annoying? The root cause of tooth sensitivity is the corroding of the tooth enamel and the exposure of softer inner part of the tooth, known as “dentine”. Dentine is made up […]

Your overall well being depends on the proper functioning of all the parts of your body. Health experts and doctors recommend that a healthy and balanced diet ensures you to stay fit. This means that you need to make it a point to consume all the essential nutrients in the […]

Great Makeup Ideas for the Gypsy Look Who can forget that gypsy woman at the carnival who swore that she could tell you your future by looking at that glass ball or a bowl of water? The mystique that hung over and around these gypsies can be mesmerizing. Equally attractive […]

Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing Cleansing colon is not very difficult and is rather very essential. If colon is not cleansed properly, this might lead to certain unexplained symptoms such as vomiting, headache, stomach-ache etc. You need to clean your colon by removing the trapped wastes and toxins. There are […]

Effects of Heavy Chemical Cosmetics – Cosmetics claim to enhance feminine beauty at its best. Every last woman in the world secretly covets to have an appealing face. But there exists a dark side that speaks of the horrors that accidently emerge out due to the maladies of harmful chemical […]

Working Women A few years ago women were expected to be stay-at-home wives, subservient to their male counterparts and it wasn’t considered ‘lady-like’ for a woman to want anything more than just that! Thankfully the economy is developing not just technologically but, with the mindset of the people. Sadly, one thing […]

Kidney stones can be quite painful and can cause extreme downfall to your health. Studies have proved out of ten people at least one person has experienced this problem at least once in life. This problem occurs when the minerals present in the urine crystallize. Though this is a painful […]

Weight loss and detox are the new Mantra of the era. Changing lifestyles, increasing work pressures and unhealthy food habits are paving way to ever rising weight issues among men and women alike. While it is quite a challenge to work your way combating obesity, detoxing with healthy juices comes […]