Lips look sexy and beautiful. You are keen on getting the perfect pink lips and have scoured all the beauty shops looking for products that guarantee this. From lipsticks to lip gloss and lip balms, there is hardly anything that you haven’t tried. But, while using these products, do you […]

Top 10 Super Foods that Cleanse Liver Liver is one of the most vital organs of your body. It aids in a number of important body functions such as digestion, boosting immunity of the body, improving the metabolic reaction and storing essential nutrients. It also manufactures some important chemicals that […]

Antibiotics have become the most important part of our lives and lifestyle. Right from treating our little one for a common cold or persistent infection, we constantly depend and look towards antibiotic drugs for answers. But did you know that most common beliefs that we have about the antibiotic drugs […]

Maintenance and Care of Oily Skin – 11 Ways Oily skin can be really annoying. No matter how hard you try, you end up with a shiny and dull look on your face within a matter of a few hours. Coupled with this are other problems that develop along the […]

7 – Easy Ways to Care for Oily and Greasy Hair Your mane can work wonders for the way you look and feel. But, if you have oily hair, chances are that no matter how hard you try to take care of it, your hair looks greasy and unwashed. This […]

Aging is a natural process and there is hardly anything that can be done to stall it. With the increase in age, lots of internal and external changes are apparent in the body. One of the main changes and noticeable one at that is the change in your skin. It […]

5 Effective Winter Protection Tips for Your Skin Care Routine Winter can be harsh on your skin, leading to dryness, irritation, and a dull complexion. To keep your skin healthy and glowing during the colder months, it’s essential to adjust your skincare routine. Here are five effective winter protection tips […]

5 Ways of Remedies and Preventions Did you just cite some patches which make your skin tone look uneven? Well, this is something that a lot of people around the world have to deal with. Known as pigmentation, this skin problem is definitely not life threatening. However, the uneven skin tone […]

Dusky skin looks extremely sexy and glamorous. If you are endowed with such a complexion, you don’t have to worry about lying down in the sun to tan yourself. But, there is no denying the fact that a right touch of makeup can make you look even more beautiful. With […]

Learning Some Basics of Makeup In case you are new to applying makeup, one thing that you need to know is that wrongly applied makeup can make you look older. So, it is crucial that you learn the basics of makeup. This is not at all tough. With a little […]

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