Blackheads are a universal problem. In fact, they are more constant and annoying than the regular pimples that come and go. Caused due to a clogged hair follicle with a mix of bacteria and dirt, blackheads are a challenge to deal with when left uncared for a long time. People with oily skin tone are more prone to suffer with blackheads, as there is a constant secretion of sebum. More dietary caution and care should also be exercised to get rid of blackheads.

Keep Your Skin – OIL FREE!

It is very important to keep your facial skin free of oil all times in order to minimize the occurrence of blackheads. Drinking plenty of water and fluids also helps keeping the skin hydrated. The market now is loaded with various products such as creams and lotions which help in the removal of blackheads. Specific cleansers are also useful in removing the grime and oil from the skin pores, thereby averting the onset of blackheads. Using a cream or cleanser that contains Stridex or Salicyclic acid usually helps in the effective combat of blackheads. However, consulting a dermatologist in case of constant blackhead problem is recommended before using any kind of medically formulated cream or lotion.

Simple Home Remedies For Blackheads

There are many simple home remedies for the blackhead problem. Going for organic facial products is one option that is highly effective. Other than that, the below home based options actually work wonders as efficient blackhead remedies.

1. Baking Soda and Nutmeg Powder

Baking soda comes useful for a variety of skin and hair ailments. Blackheads are one of them. Simply mix a pinch of baking soda, milk, nutmeg powder, lemon juice or salt. Make this into a fine paste and apply on the face. Leave it on for 3 to 5 minutes and wash it off with cool water.

2. Yogurt and Lemon Juice

Yogurt or curd fights blackheads as strongly as they do in case of dandruff. Take some yogurt or curd and mix few drops of lemon juice. Apply this formulation on the face and leave it for about 15 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water. Constant usage should fetch some great results.

3. Oatmilk Powder and Honey

Oats come with a plethora of benefits for skin care. Granular and fine, oat milk powder acts as a natural scrub for facial health. Take some oat milk powder and mix it with honey to make a fine paste. Apply the paste on your face and rinse off after ten minutes. Honey acts as a natural moisturizer while oat milk powder scrubs away grime and blackheads. This mask can be applied thrice a week in case of oily skin or skin prone to too many blackheads.

4. Groundnut Oil and Lime Juice

Groundnut oil comes with natural soothing properties while lime acts as a strong cleanser. Mix few drops of groundnut oil to lime juice. Dab this lotion on your face and let it stay for about 5 minutes. Wash away with warm water to see some good results.

5. Epson Salts, Iodine and Hot Water

Epson salts and iodine powder can be used in the severe cases of blackheads. Mix few drops of hot water to a spoon of Epson salts and iodine. Apply this on the face and let it act for 10 minutes. Rinse away with cold water.

Note that using harsh soaps and face wash will only aggravate the blackhead problem. Select your soaps and skin care looking at their composition. Mild creams, soaps with natural properties and gentle face cleansers should be used to get rid of blackheads and retain healthy skin.

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