The hot summer months bring along a promise of some time to relax and a chance to vacation with family and friends. Chances are that you are not far behind and would have planned your vacations too.

Now that you would be spending long hours exploring new locales and chatting with loved ones, you don’t want to spend a lot of time in putting on makeup. But, you definitely can’t go without it. Here are some beauty hacks that would help you get ready within no time.

Superb Beauty Hacks for Summer Vacation

Line your Eyes with Gel Liner

Using a lighter or matchstick, just heat the tip of your kohl pencil for a couple of seconds. Let this cool and then apply it on your eyelash. This will easily glide on to your skin. What’s more, this won’t get smudged or won’t wear off in the heat.

Long Stay Lip Color

Summer calls for drinking lots of water. But, this is not good news for your lip color which may wear off quickly. Want it to stay for long? Here is an easy tip. Apply lip color to your lips. Press an unfolded tissue paper to your lips. With the help of a brush, dab on some translucent powder on the tissue. This would help in making your lip color stay put for longer.

Face Powder for Freshness

You would be on a picture clicking spree while holidaying with your loved ones. Don’t let the summer heat get to you and make you look dull. Apply some powder to the center column of your face with a big, fluffy brush. A mineral based powder would be a good idea. This truck will control the oil secretion and add some glow to your face.

Getting the Perfect Base

In the rush of packing, did you just pack a foundation that is darker than your skin tone? Don’t worry. Just add in some moisturizer into your foundation to lighten the shade and make it perfect for your complexion.

Eyelash Curling Made Easy

Curling your lashes is a tedious task. So, if you need to get ready in a jiffy, just hold the eye lash curler in front of the hot gust of air of a hair dryer for a few seconds. Using this to curl your eyelashes will get the job done within no time.

Lining the Eyes with Eyelash Curler

Lining your eyes correctly when in a hurry can be difficult. You can actually do this as you curl your lashes. Wondering how? Draw a thin line on your eye lash curler. Apply this to your lashes. What you get is perfectly lined eyes.

Thicker Lashes with Mascara

Did you know that if you sweep the mascara brush downwards, your eye lashes would actually look thicker? Try this out and you can actually have thicker lashes without opting for the false counterparts.

Supple and Smooth Lips

The summer heat may dry up your lips and make them chapped. But, you can easily reinstate the suppleness. Take a soft bristled toothbrush and gently use it to scrub off the dry skin from your lips.

DIY Lip Gloss

There is nothing worse than running out of lip gloss in the midst of a holiday. However, if this happens, just take a little bit of your eye shadow and mix in some petroleum jelly. Voila! Here is a lip gloss that would give you just the desired look.

Say No to Lipstick Stains on Teeth

You don’t want become the butt of jokes among your friends for the lipstick stains on your teeth. So, as soon as you apply lip color on your lips, make an O with your lips and insert your index finger into the opening. Close your lips around it and then pull it out. All the extra lip color on your lips would stick to your finger.

Plump Up your Lips

Want your lips to look fuller? Well, you can easily do this by adding some cinnamon oil or peppermint oil to your lip gloss. Apply this to your lips to get an instant pouty look.

Thicker Mane with Eye Shadow

Your hair might turn limp due to excessive heat and sweating. However, you can make your mane look thicker by dusting on some eye shadow to the strands. Make sure to pick the same shade as that of your hair.

Cover that Hair

In case you are just not happy with the hair looks, don’t fret. Just keep in some beautiful scarves handy and tie them around your hair.

Soft and Healthy Feet

All the walking around can make your feet tired and even take a toll on your heels. Before heading to bed, pamper your feet with some moisturizer or foot cream and then pull on some cotton socks. This will keep your feet soft.

Wipe off the Makeup

No matter, how tired you are, you just can’t go to bed with your makeup on. Remove it using cleansing milk and face wash. In case you are just not up to it, wipe it off with some face cleansing tissues.

With these beauty hacks, you can easily make yourself presentable within no time during your summer vacations. Happy Vacationing!!



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